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K Stanger

A New York based playwright, performer, and creator. K is a joyful leader, with stubborn determination present in all her creative work. She strives to build art through care, community and laughter, while working towards the destruction of capitalistic ideals.


K began as a performer, finding joy in crafting characters for both theatre and dance work. Beginning with dance, which transformed into a love of theatre made her an experienced mover, which is work that she continues and uses to craft characters. With excellent movement skills K began training in Taekwondo and Stage Combat. She is an experienced fight master and fight choreographer, working as Fight Captain and performing as Tilly in Penn State’s production of She Kills Monsters. K received her B.F.A. In Acting from Penn State where she studied Meisner and Stanislavsky based techniques. K enjoys tackling challenging dialogue, adverse perspectives, and characters far from herself. She is also someone who views character work as always a form of play, and believes that in order to execute a role, joy must first be found in the work. Joy is a staple of who K is, how she shows up in the world and brings herself to projects. She believes in the power of positive spaces and bringing joy and care to the room is where she begins all projects. In continuation of this, K has begun comedic work in both improv and stand-up, a new venture that has come quite naturally in learning.  K has developed and combined these skills to create rich performances, most notably Webster in Bonnets at Penn State University, and Mani in Almost Equal Too and Mr. McQueen in Urinetown.


While K is a seasoned performer, she is working to develop skills in many theatre facets as she pursues her graduate degree at Sarah Lawrence College. K as a playwright expands the comedic into the vulnerable to tackle issues of personal health, surviving abuse, and practicing care. K has written three short musicals all of which she produced and directed through a small company created in her undergrad at Penn State. Stupid Good Plays continues to produce student written work at the university as it had produced her shows, Housekeeping, Juicy Drama and, Zumba: The Musical. During her first year at Sarah Lawrence, K wrote and directed a reading of her new play, 100 Feet in the Air. She is excited to share this work that highlights love and care while unpacking grief. Through all her productions K is capable of gathering other hard working artists and leading them towards her production’s goal. 

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